Beacon Pines is a cute as well as creepy adventure set inside the pages of a mysterious book. You play as both the author of the book and the book’s main protagonist, Luka.
Luka along with his fellow workers will be the first who be the first to notice something peculiar in the warehouse. Get out of the house late, meet new friends, find out the hidden details, and accumulate phrases that could alter the course of fate!
When Luka does her best to uncover Beacon Pines’ strange happenings You will discover special jewelry made from golden which contain a particular word on the back of them. You can use these charms at specific points to add the word “new” or alter the story.
As the book’s reader You’ll follow the story’s pivotal moments using The Chronicle: an interactive tale tree that branches out and expands depending on your choice. Exploring one set of events may unlock new methods to use on another branch. This allows you to switch between different interpretations of the story in order to find the answers within Beacon Pines.
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