Beyond the world’s petty conflicts, there is a realm of pure and malevolent magic called The Realm of Chaos. This place is unimaginable to mortal eyes. It whispers promises of power, but to behold it is to be seduced by it. It is to surrender to your inner self. It’s possible to transform into it.

This place is ruled by the Four Ruinous Powers which are always looking to break their chains, and drown all of the world into an ocean of corruption. Nurgle, the plague god; Slaanesh, the lord of excess; Tzeentch, the changer of ways, and Khorne god of blood and slaughter.

Two kingdoms of great power guard the frontiers between two worlds: Cathay’s enormous empire, as well as Kislev’s tough warriors. However, each has each of its own challenges and now both have cause to step over the line and lead their troops into the Realm of Chaos.

The planet is at an edge. A single push could make the world a the cataclysm.

And there’s one who schemes to achieve just this. A sage who is determined to hold supreme power. He will require a champion to help him be successful.

The next war will consume all. Will you conquer your daemons? Or control them?

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